

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Up To No Good: Abandoned Barn Edition Part 1

Up To No Good: Abandoned Barn Edition Part 1

***This was originally posted back in 2013 but was lost in the change over from Blogger to Squarespace. So I am reposting it here. Enjoy the throwback! Link to Abandoned Barn Part 2 here.

Hello little pumpkins! Anyone remember this classic? The house that defeated us. We just never had any luck getting in to this one, and believe me, it wasn’t for lack of trying.

Oh hi barn. I’ll be in you later (ha!). You can also see the boat that I ‘explore’ even further in the distance. There wasn’t much to it, but still kind of cool all the same.

Trying once again, to get in. Now, Krista and I normally don’t ever really ‘break in’ to an abandoned house or whatever we are exploring. We look for open doors, windows, weak links in the security that we can just walk through (or sometimes hop, climb, shimmy, or crawl into). We never cause damage. We just want to wander and take pictures. But this mother effing house had magic around it or something.

After MANY attempts to stay innocent and not act like delinquents, we maaaaayyyybe tried to take control and break a window and/or slam ourselves against doors to see if the locks would break, etc. But….nothing. Maybe there were Satan-y dead people in there and our lives were being spared, who knows? Not us because we couldn’t get in the damn thing.


I would also like to note that this day was FREEZING. The thermometer is broken it has to be. With the wind that day it felt like -20C. Like burn your eyeballs and freeze your face right off cold. Fun that after this we decided to walk through a very large field with zero shelter from that biting wind. We are suckers for punishment I suppose.


This was a new development in our constant visits to this house. Someone left a note and a CHEQUE for something like $15 or something, because they saw that the boat on the property had tires that they wanted. Isn’t that precious though? So Canadian. They could have just taken the tires and no one would have been the wiser. The Satan-y dead people inside have no need for leisurely boat rides (I assume), so they probably don’t care, and this place is out in the middle of nowhere. It’s heartwarming.

These huge holes in the ground were all over the property surrounding the house. These were very hard to see when we tried to explore the house because it was summer and very overgrown. So yeah, always be careful of these things. Do as I say and not as I do and all that annoying advice people give you to try and keep you alive eye roll.

Looks kind of warmish because of the sun and no snow. But it’s a LIE. I think I was whinging to myself because I was slipping into hypothermia.

One last try….maybe it’s unlocked this time. Nope.


A minor distraction on the way to the barn. Hoping it wasn’t an outhouse.

Don’t think so! It was pretty far from the house so most likely not. No one in their right mind would trudge that far in the dead of winter to sit on an icy throne. I wouldn’t. I’d just hang my bum out the window and poop right there, forget it.

Finally, something we were able to get into on this property. Stay tuned!

Up To No Good: Abandoned Boat Edition

Up To No Good: Abandoned Boat Edition

2015: A Year in Photographs

2015: A Year in Photographs