

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

The Celebration of This Thing That is Great

The Celebration of This Thing That is Great

Yesterday was mine and Dave's 8 year anniversary. So I baked a cake.  Kind of. I opened a package, cracked some eggs (got some shell in there too oops!) and modified the rest of the ingredients to make it more 'healthy'.

I'm pretty sure this color of red food coloring has Peta in an uproar. Something about how it's made from bugs? Who knows. Who cares?

Vibrant. Looks like I am baking Dave a delicious blood cake. Enjoy Dave mwahahahah. Where did the cats go mwahahaha.

That right there is Nutella. And guess what? it was scrumptious.With a diddley-umptious on the end.

I made a butter cream glaze and then we went to town.  Look at how proud I am.

Happy anniversary Dave!

And then there was this:

I am going to try and survive my walk home tonight. We got SO MUCH SNOW. I'd say around a foot, if not more. I am not looking forward to this...at least I am not driving.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Where Have I Been? Winter Ate Me.

Where Have I Been? Winter Ate Me.

Everybody's Working For the Weekend

Everybody's Working For the Weekend