Monthly Goals and a Recap for January
I wanted to try something different on this here blog thing. You see, I have decided to set monthly goals for myself, because I find that a lot of the time I am just a free spirit, roaming unfettered through this life, with nothing to show but love and some pictures of food on Instagram. And I have lived that way for a long time and been ok with it. But recently I have been wanting to set goals for myself so I have something to look back on, something to SHOW for that entire 30 days of my life that seem to slip by ever so quickly, in the blink of an eye.
So, monthly goals I have made, and I will share them with you guys, if you so choose to stick around and read about my successes and failures in meeting them. Plus, I will be posting my favorite photos from the month as well. Photos that depict something I loved in that moment, or a fun adventure I had, because really, every day is an adventure, but some are better than others!
Goal # 1: I tasked myself with finishing Stephen King's
The Wind Through the Keyhole. This was and wasn't a hard goal for me to reach, because my favorite thing in life is to read, I just feel like I never have the time. This is changing. I DO have the time, I just waste it watching garbage t.v or being lazy. No more. One of my yearly goals is to read 12 books. It doesn't sound like a lot, but we shall see how it goes!
Goal # 2: I wanted to save a certain amount of money towards my trip to Montreal. This goal was kind of met and kind of not: I DID end up saving the amount that I wanted, but someone I love needed to borrow it. And I would never ask them for it back, I just couldn't.
Goal # 3: Work out 15 days in January. HA! This one was a major fail, although I don't feel that bad about it. January (and winter itself really), just isn't my month. I ended up working out 9 times out of the 15. Pathetic right? It's ok, it has made me want to step up my game in February.
Goal # 4: To work on my story. Yeah....about this one....nope. Nary a word poured forth from my fingers.
Goal # 5: In our 'Around the World Food Extravaganza', I wanted to go on a sushi date. This was accomplished, no problem-o. In fact, I have a feeling all of my food goals won't ever be failures. Picking up what I am laying down here? I like food. A LOT.
My February goals are much more lofty than Januarys. Maybe I should chill a bit? Naw...I say try your best, but if you don't succeed, just drink and forget about it.
My February goals are:
1. Read J.K Rowlings
A Casual Vacancy.
2. Work out at least 12 times (currently I have worked out once this month).
3. Write 10,000 words of my story (currently I am at 3,000).
4. Go out for Curry (already done! Told you these ones would be a piece of cake).
5. Try to have a certain number of dollars saved for my trip to Montreal.
6. Complete Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 from start to finish, no breaks (this one might break me, she is killer).
What are some of your goals for the month/ year?