

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

The Wedding of the Year-The Best Parts

The Wedding of the Year-The Best Parts

This wedding was a blast! I had so much fun, and I think everyone else did too. The dancing, the speeches, the food, the people...it was just all around a really good time.

BUT....these were the best parts, in my opinion.

Now I have to say...my brother and his wife's decision to have a photo booth at the wedding? GENIUS. Everyone got into it, and I mean everyone.  Young, old, it was so much fun.

Of course, my brother and his gorgeous bride take the top spot in the photo booth pics.

Krista, Sara and myself.  You honestly cannot help but be silly.

My Jessi and Rob...aren't they one of the cutest couples ever?  Love them.

AAAHAHAHAHA!!! This one is my personal fave...my parents.  Hey dad, that hat suits you old man! I love how his face barely changes.

Me and Dave, or, Devorrah, whatever you like.  What does a gay horse eat?  Hay hay hay!  I kind of want those red glasses.

Me and the sister.  She has to look glamorous as always.  I, on the other hand, am wearing a trucker hat with a picture of the Pope on it, and holding a trophy that says 'number 1'.

And the happy couple once again.  I love you both!

And here is the best part! Sara wanted to do Ellen's dance dare to her dad....check it out to see if they pulled it off!

You guys should get married again!! xoxox

Springtime in the City

Springtime in the City

The Wedding of the Year: Part 2

The Wedding of the Year: Part 2