

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Hiking=Good Times: Part 3

Hiking=Good Times: Part 3

Welcome back!  You can read about our hiking adventures Part 1 and Part 2, by clicking on the linked parts!

The last post ended with us walking down the stairs to the falls.  I remember them from 10 years ago, and I remember walking back up them, which was pretty brutal.  But it was all worth it, because the view is amazing.  Such a beautiful, serene place to be.

Someone left roses.  In memory of someone?  A lost love?  We will never know. But we do know how emo I can be sometimes!  Insert the Cure here.

Look at this cute guy.  Standing on this bridge made him look like he was 5 years-old from afar.  You know, except for the beard.

Of course, monkey see, monkey do.

The second, larger waterfall.  

The last time I was there, I climbed/ slid down the embankment for a photo op, despite all the signs pointing out how dangerous it was to do that.  Youth in all it's stupidity.

A perfect spot to sit and eat the youth mix we bought.  Although I am not sure how they can claim such a thing with the amount of salt they threw in there.  I didn't realize it was a salty trail mix.  I don't normally like my trail mix to be salty to the point that you can feel your skin sucking in on itself.  We then had to down the rest of the litre of water we brought with us, which of course made me have to pee again.  Fuck using that scary clown outhouse again.  No way.  I held it like a trooper, and then we drove the ten minutes down the road and used my parents bathroom. Hey mom and dad! I haven't seen you in a while, can I take a leak?

Freaking hippy with your cardboard health bar.  Actually, these were pretty good. Tasted like cardboard apples.

Dave forbade me to post this picture.  Ha ha!

Train tracks will always remind me of my best friend Ciara, because 'our' movie is Stand By Me.  When we were young, we thought it would be soooo cool to walk on train tracks to where ever they may take us.  Sigh.  I miss her.  We just celebrated our 20th anniversary.

A kind stranger stopped and asked us if we wanted our picture taken together. Something changed in me on this little hiking trip, at least for the time we were there.  I stopped being the crazy Torontonian that I am, and I started saying hello to people on the trails.  Most of the time when people say hello to another person in Toronto it's because they are crazy and want to rob and kill you. You just keep walking and pretend like you didn't hear them.

This face is more my Toronto face.  Can I look anymore annoyed?

Stay tuned for part 4, and the last part, I promise!

Kittens Make You Cry

Kittens Make You Cry

Hiking=Good Times: Part 2

Hiking=Good Times: Part 2