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2010: A Year in Photographs

2010: A Year in Photographs

In my soon to be yearly tradition of taking a look back at my year through photos, I present you with 2010: A Year in Photographs. If you have not yet experienced 2009: A Year in Photographs, click here.

2010 was a tough year.  Not just for me.  For everyone around me.  It was a burden that I am glad to be rid of.  Of course I try my hardest to see the positive in things, and there is MUCH for me to be positive for in 2010.  But it was very, very hard.  I lost three people who were always in my life, I got real with myself and realized that I really do suffer from depression and I need help, and many people I love went through very difficult things that I experienced along with them.  I know it could have been worse, but it also could have been better.

But in difficult times is when one is inspired to change.  To become a better person, and love more and see the light in others.  Although it has felt like a very dull year for me on top of everything else, I also feel like I have spent a year in getting to know and understand my friends more, to relax more, and to push through the dark to see the light on the other side.

In 2010: A Year in Photographs, I experienced (in order):

-My five year anniversary with the man I love, and will always love.

-Spending a lot more time with one of my best's, John.

-Spending the most relaxing vacation ever, with another of my best's Chrissy, at her beautiful cottage up North.

-Buying a new T.V!  Man, was this a long time coming!

-Visiting (breaking into) a college where my ALL TIME favourite show Degrassi was filmed in the 80's and early 90's.  Playing hooky from work to go on an adventure and visit my old 'hood with Dave on a beautiful, perfect Summer day.

-Eating red velvet cheesecake for the first time, and getting HOOKED.  It's like CRACK.

-Going bowling at a stinky bowling alley for Jessi's birthday.  Getting drunk and eating greasy fast food afterwards.  Ahh yes, the life of a teenager.

-Celebrating my beautiful sister's (18th haha) 35th birthday.  Oh god.  The Jello shooters.

-John's pornstache.  Enough said.

-Celebrating my 62nd (31st) birthday with an old friend.  Many funny faces were born on this night.

-Short, fat Christmas tree of love.  And a lot of snow and cold.

-The shoes that needed a little help to make my feet feel less tortured.  Krista's work Christmas party from hell.

-Staying up WAY too late to watch the full lunar eclipse.  My god how I wanted to die at work the next day.  But it was worth it.

-New Years Eve at John's.  I don't think we ate enough.  30,000 calories just didn't cut it for me.

And here it all is:

I hope you all had a wonderful year.  May 2011 bring you joy and love in abundance.

A Squirrel-y Morning

A Squirrel-y Morning

