So, now that you know I think it was awesome, the premise of the movie is that the main character Lee Byeong-gu (played by Shin Ha-kyun) believes that aliens are set to destroy our planet at any moment, and he is the only one who can save us all. His focus of attack is CEO and former boss Kang Man-shik (Baek Yoon-sik) who he believes to be the leader of the aliens unleashing their horrifying experiments on the human race.
Without giving too much of the plot away, you are set on a crazy roller coaster ride with your emotions as some parts of the film are hilarious (I mean, look at the movie poster) and some parts are the most depressing I have seen in a movie since Schindler's List.
All in all, such a good movie to reflect the times we are living in and what may come for the future.
For those who are interested in checking out the trailer, you can find it here: